Innovative Fly Ash Management at Ashtech
Welcome to Ashtech India Pvt Ltd, where we redefine construction, spearheading sustainability for a greener future. We actively contribute to India’s sustainable development goals by harnessing Fly Ash, a byproduct of power plants which if disposed incorrectly, can pose serious environmental challenges.
In full adherence to Indian government regulations on Ash Disposal, Ashtech’s Fly Ash management and distribution – stands as a paragon of environmental care. We meticulously source Fly Ash from power plants, ensuring an ethical and sustainable approach to Fly Ash management.
Our commitment lies beyond mere compliance; we play a crucial role in promoting environmental safety by following protocols of distributing Fly Ash for use in diverse applications such as Landfills, Cement production, Ready Mix Concrete and Fly Ash bricks. As we consistently adapt innovative solutions for Fly Ash excellence, we not only reduce our environmental footprint but also contribute to the construction industry’s shift towards greater eco-conscious practices.
Types of Ash
Fly Ash
This kind of ash is extracted from flue gases through Electrostatic Precipitator in dry form. This ash is fine material & possesses good pozzolanic property.
Bottom Ash
This kind of ash is collected in the bottom of boiler furnace. It is comparatively coarse material and contains higher un-burnt carbon. It possesses no pozzolanic property.
Pond Ash
Fly ash & bottom ash or both mixed together in any proportion with the large quantity of water to make it in slurry form & deposited in ponds wherein water gets
What is Fly Ash
The properties of Fly Ash may vary widely both physically and chemically, depending upon the nature of the coal, the efficiency of the coal combustion process and the selection process Therefore, it is important that when considering the use of Fly Ash to look no further than a company with in depth technical knowledge and support to manufacture and supply a high quality product, that company isInnovative Ash Management
- Regular Analysis of Ash Quality Reports
- Identification of Technologies that can be used for making Ash Useful
- Preparation of Project Reports for Demonstrating and Commercializing use of Fly Ash
- Implementation of such Projects Experimenting to Create New Avenues for use of CCP
- Treatment of CCP Before Use in Land Fill, Land Fill Management & Operation, Land Fill Design, Construction and Closure, Ash Pond Management and Closure
- Design, Build & Operate CCP Processing Systems – This includes Pneumatic Conveying Systems from ESP to Ash Storage Silos, Classifiers, Ash Grinding Mills, Ash Wetting Station, Cenosphere Collation, and Processing etc …
- Sale or Disposal of all Types of CCP Like Fly Ash, Bottom Ash, Pond Ash, Gypsum etc …
Innovative Approach
Work Assignment
This work is assigned by Power Utility to Ash Management Service Provider
Norms & Guidelines
Assignment of Creating Utilization or Disposal of Coal Combustion by-products as per Norms and Guidelines of Statutory Authorities
Contract & Agreement
Normally through a long Term Contract - 10 years or Longer agreement
What is Ash Management
Assignment of creating utilization or disposal of coal combustion products as per norm and guidelines of statutory authorities like EPA or CPCB / SPCB
This is work assigned by power utility to Ash Management service provider. It is normally a long term 10 years or longer agreement
Ashtech Role In Gainful Utilization of Ash
Primary company for bulk transport of Fly Ash
Fly Ash in Asbestos sheet
Fly Ash in Ready Mix Concrete
Pilot plant for Fly Ash Classification
First export of Fly Ash to the Gulf region
The Scope of Ash Management
- Design, Build, & Operate CCP processing systems – This includes pneumatic conveying systems from ESP to silos, classifier, ash grinding mill, ash wetting station, cenosphere collection, and processing etc.
- Sales or disposal of all type of CCP like fly ash, Bottom ash, pond ash, gypsum etc…
- Treatment of CCP before use in land fill
- Land fill management and operation
- Land fill design, Construction and closure
- Ash pond management and closure
- Regular analysis of ash quality reports
- Identification of technologies that can be used for making ash useful
- preparation of project reports for demonstrating and commercializing use of fly ash
- Implementation of such projects
- Experimenting to create new avenues of use of CCP
What Ashtech Can Do For POWER PLANT
- Set up Complete Ash Collection System From ESP Onwards
- Operate and Maintain Fly Ash Conveying System For Power Plant
- Set up Distribution System for Fly Ash from Silo including Own Transportation
- Can Achieve 100% Fly Ash Utilization in a Shortest Possible time
- Can set up Ash beneficiation including classification & Grinding
Ashtech Role In Gainful Utilization of Ash
- Installation of machine packed valve type bags for suit usage
- Mechanized packing of jumbo bags for exports
- Use of pond in brick, blocks, pavers and AAC blocks
- Use of ash for filing in embankment, low lying area, etc.
- Cement Manufacturer through Inter Blending method by using processed Fly Ash against the conventional method of Inter Grinding
- Use of Fly Ash in Masonry applications such as plaster, Brick Mortar, etc
- Use of Fly Ash in pre-cast items
- Technical Expertise in Ash Management
- Setup India’s first Fly Ash classifier plant from Sturtevant USA and currently Operating Five classification plants at Raichur, Dahanu, Mangalore, Chennai and Nagpur
Build, Operate and Own
- Build, Operate and Own India’s first Grinding Mill for Fly Ash at Nare – Maharashtra and Dahanu – Maharashtra.
- Build, Operate and Own Cement Blending and Fly Ash classification plant of 1500 MT per day capacity at Raichur and Mangalore.
- Build, Operate and Own Badarpur and Ennore TPS and assisting in Fly Ash conveying at DTPS and Vedanta.
- India’s first 3 stage Fly Ash classification plant to produce Ultra Fine Fly Ash (UFFA).
- The third generation product Made in India
- We are gainfully utilizing more than 15,000 MT of Fly Ash per day, which is steadily growing.
- India’s first movement of Fly Ash in Rail
- Currently exporting Fly Ash to UAE, Africa, Australia, Srilanka, Bangladesh and Mauritius.
- Set up plant for Cenosphere processing through washing, drying, sieving, classifying and Packing.
ASHTECH Is Doing ASH Management for Vedanta
- Explore market to find users of fly ash, motivate them and guide them technically to use fly ash - nearly 60 small Fly Ash brick plants are started in 2 years
- Identify large users like Cement Plants and RMC Plants in the area and negotiate with them the use of Fly Ash
- Organise transport or Fly Ash to users by mobilizing resources
- Approach local and state authorities to find places for land fill and obtain permission for the same
- Coordinate with mine fill clients during filling operation
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