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Ultra Fine Fly Ash

  /  Ultra Fine Fly Ash

Supperpozz P500 (Ultra Fine Fly Ash)

Our 27+ years of experience in the processing and distribution of Fly Ash keeps us at the spearhead of the industry.


ASHTECH’s product research team have developed an Ultra Fine Fly Ash used in production of high performance concrete. This innovative new age formulation “SUPPERPOZZ P500TM” builds on the company’s proud track record and experience as India’s foremost producers of Classified Fly Ash. SUPPERPOZZ P500TM being rich in alumina-silicates is highly reactive thereby strengthening cementitious systems and providing enhanced durability.

SUPPERPOZZ P500TM is compliant to

IS 3812 Part 1, BS EN 450 – S, ASTM C618 Class F and
AASHTO M 295 Standard

How does SUPPERPOZZ P500 work?

When Portland cement hydrates, it produces quantities of free lime (calcium hydroxide). When added to the concrete mix, SUPPERPOZZ P500TM chemically reacts with this free lime (pozzolanic reaction) to form extremely stable Calcium Silicate Hydrate (CSH) gel which is the strongest and the most durable paste fraction in concrete. These hydrates fill the voids within the concrete which results in improved strength and durability.

Particle Size, Shape and Distribution

The particle size and distribution of SUPPERPOZZ P500TM is a key characteristic in ensuring the product's superior performance.

SUPPERPOZZ P500TM particles range in size between 0.1 - 30 microns with a mean particle diameter of 3.9 to 5 microns. This is significantly finer than Portland cement, other commonly used cement types and supplementary cementitious materials (SCM). The bi-modal distribution of SUPPERPOZZ P500TM particles also enhances performance i.e. an even particle distribution and no single sized. This unique feature enables the product to effectively fill the void spaces between the fine aggregates and the cementitious component, creating an ideal 'fine filler effect'

SUPPERPOZZ P500TM particles are predominantly spherical in shape thereby acting as a 'solid-particulate" plasticiser in concrete/cement bound mixes. This results in improved workability and/or a reduction in water demand.

This feature enables SUPPERPOZZ P500TM concrete to be easier to work with and in addition the concrete is more cohesive and is less prone to segregation.

Handling & Storage
  • In dry powder form, it is often recommended that an aeration system be installed in the hopper to facilitate easy conveying of the product.
  • It should be stored in dry, enclosed and moisture free areas in case of bagged SUPPERPOZZ P500TM.
  • When stored correctly it has an indefinite shelf life.
Health & Safety Precaution
  • SUPPERPOZZ P500TM is highly alkaline.
  • Suitable attire and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be worn to prevent dust inhalation and direct skin contact.
  • For complete health safety and disposal information please refer to the Ashtech Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), a copy of which is available on request.

Typical Characteristics

SUPPERPOZZ P500TM particles are predominantly spherical in shape thereby acting as a 'solid-particulate" plasticiser in concrete/cement bound mixes. This results in improved workability and/or a reduction in water demand.

This feature enables SUPPERPOZZ P500TM concrete to be easier to work with and in addition the concrete is more cohesive and is less prone to segregation.
Sr.No. SUPPERPOZZ P500TM Characteristics
1 Appearance Pale grey ultra fine powder
2 Relative Density 2.12 - 2.30
3 pH in water 11- 12
4 Theoretical Surface Area (sq.cm/kg) 13 000
5 Loss on Ignition (LOI), % < 1.0
6 Carbon Content, % < 0.4
7 Moisture Content, % < 0.5
8 Mean Particle Size, µ 3.9 - 5.0
9 Sum of Oxides ( Si + Al + Fe ) 95%(approximately)
Handling & Storage
  • In dry powder form, it is often recommended that an aeration system be installed in the hopper to facilitate easy conveying of the product.
  • It should be stored in dry, enclosed and moisture free areas in case of bagged SUPPERPOZZ P500TM.
  • When stored correctly it has an indefinite shelf life.
Health & Safety Precaution
  • SUPPERPOZZ P500TM is highly alkaline.
  • Suitable attire and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be worn to prevent dust inhalation and direct skin contact.
  • For complete health safety and disposal information please refer to the Ashtech Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), a copy of which is available on request.

Water Reduction

The following results were achieved in concrete using an equal binder content (cement and SUPPERPOZZ P500TM), equal Superplasticiser and equal workability.

OPC 53 Grade 400 kg/m3 360 kg/m3
Water Content 163 litres 141 litres
Water reduction 0 22 litres
W/b ratio 0.41 0.35
Initial slump 125mm 125mm
24 Hours 15.5 MPa 20.5 MPa
7- Days 52.0 58.5
28- Days 70.5 82.0
90- Days 74.0MPa 91.0 MPa
Handling & Storage
  • In dry powder form, it is often recommended that an aeration system be installed in the hopper to facilitate easy conveying of the product.
  • It should be stored in dry, enclosed and moisture free areas in case of bagged SUPPERPOZZ P500TM.
  • When stored correctly it has an indefinite shelf life.
Health & Safety Precaution
  • SUPPERPOZZ P500TM is highly alkaline.
  • Suitable attire and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be worn to prevent dust inhalation and direct skin contact.
  • For complete health safety and disposal information please refer to the Ashtech Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), a copy of which is available on request.

Workability & Strength Development

In high performance concrete, replacing silica fume with SUPERPOZZTM P5OO allows water reduction (with improved workability) resulting in better strength development. This can be seen from the values obtained in a scope of laboratory work conducted for a major project.

Handling & Storage
  • In dry powder form, it is often recommended that an aeration system be installed in the hopper to facilitate easy conveying of the product.
  • It should be stored in dry, enclosed and moisture free areas in case of bagged SUPPERPOZZ P500TM.
  • When stored correctly it has an indefinite shelf life.
Health & Safety Precaution
  • SUPPERPOZZ P500TM is highly alkaline.
  • Suitable attire and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be worn to prevent dust inhalation and direct skin contact.
  • For complete health safety and disposal information please refer to the Ashtech Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), a copy of which is available on request.

Durable Concrete

  Durability of concrete is defined as the ability of the material to retain strength, dimensional stability, impermeability and appearance, under normal service conditions, for an acceptable period. The incorporation of SUPERPOZZTM P5OO in concrete minimises the water demand, reduces the bleed channels and through pozzolanic activity increases the cementitious compounds, all of which increases the concrete density. These factors yield concrete of low permeability with low internal voids, which dramatically improves the resistance against chloride ingress, sulphate attack and corrosion of the steel reinforcement . In conjunction with leading accredited laboratories, ASHTECH have conducted a wide range of durability and shrinkage tests. Copies of these reports are available on request.
Handling & Storage
  • In dry powder form, it is often recommended that an aeration system be installed in the hopper to facilitate easy conveying of the product.
  • It should be stored in dry, enclosed and moisture free areas in case of bagged SUPPERPOZZ P500TM.
  • When stored correctly it has an indefinite shelf life.
Health & Safety Precaution
    • SUPPERPOZZ P500TM is highly alkaline.
    • Suitable attire and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be worn to prevent dust inhalation and direct skin contact.
    • For complete health safety and disposal information please refer to the Ashtech Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), a copy of which is available on request.

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